Tag | Kiss Me I’m Irish!

Happy St. Patty’s Day, everybody! I nabbed this from the lovely Beth @ Betwixt These Pages!  I thought this was a fun, festive tag. :].  sorry I’ve been a little MIA, I’m on a Lady Midnight crash. 😉

Green– a book with a green cover


Without question, it’s Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Blarney- a book that deceived you into either liking it or was over-hyped and you ended up disliking it



Ah, Rook by Sharon Cameron.  I believe it was the Perusutopia (GOD SP FOR DAYS) Book of the Month a couple months back.  I just didn’t like it. :{

Brogue- (dialect) a book where one of the characters has an accent


My brain automatically went to Jeaniene Frost’s Halfway to the Grave.  CRISPIN IS SOOO BRITISH I CAN’T.  Loved this series.

Leprechaun-a book you enjoyed when you were a little person


You know what I want? A full collection of Roald Dahl’s books.  I loved Matilda.  Dahl’s writing is so perfect for little people.

Pot of Gold-a book that cost you a lot or is of great value to you


My abuelo gave me a hardcover edition of The Little Prince when I was a small girl.  He passed away my freshman year of college and I never got to give it back to him.  I’m glad I didn’t, it’s the only thing I have of his.

Four-leaf clover or shamrock-four leaves=more than one book. Pick your current or old favorite series


NOTTTT EVEN A QUESTION GUYS.  New favorite series. SO GOOD.  Have you read it yet? Yes? No? GET ON IT.

Magic-a book that you found magical or a book where you enjoyed a magic element that was found in the storyline


Always.  Such a good series!

Kiss-Your current favorite book pairing or your all time favorite book pairing




Luck-a book on your shelf that you will luckily get to…someday


I tried this book and DNF’d it.  I will get to it… eventually..

Jig-a book that you don’t currently own but if could get a hold of it-it would make you dance with joy. (Can be a book that isn’t released yet or a book you’d really like to own)


Never doubt my love for SJM. This book will be perfection.


And that’s all!  I’ve been in a big blogging / reading slump.  I won’t tag anyone in this because it’s a St. P’s theme tag, but if you want to do it I TAG YOU 🙂


The Pixar Tag!

It’s day 3 of the Book Blogging Extravaganza and today’s prompt was to do a tag!  Which is perfect because I absolutely love Pixar.
The Pixar Tag was created by Mishma over at Chasing Fairytales and it’s total perfection.  I feel like her GIF choices were part of the tag… so I’m leaving them. :]
Oh GOD! I went through a list (yes seriously) of all the Pixar movies ever made. Why? Because I’m old (23), I’ve seen them all, and my memory isn’t as great as it used to be.  Anyways, it comes down to a tie: Ratatouille (yessss), Finding Nemo (YAAASSS), and Inside Out (I CRIED).
Harry Potter! Guys, its our generations book, how can you not say Harry Potter? I will forever love it.
Okay, since I’m all about being honest and slaying certain fandoms (only on Mondays, I promise, sorry if you like the book).  I’m calling out Holly Black’s The Iron Trials because holy cash cow Batman all I saw was Harry Potter warning bells flashing before my eyes.  If I wanted to read Harry Potter again I will do just that.  
OH! oh! OH! I know! GUYS if you’ve read Falling Kingdoms, you are probably riding the same train as me when it comes to Magnus.  Oh Magnus *sighing forever*.  I definitely feel like he’s supposed to be a villain but I just… don’t… I want him and Cleo to be a thing and I want him to become good.  Why can’t it happen? Whyyyyyyy :'(.
One family I absolutely loved in literature? The Bennet sisters from Pride and Prejudice.  I just loved their kindred spirits, love, and dedication.
I have always love Clary Fairchild’s ability to create angelic runes in The Mortal Instruments so I have to go with that

Basically all of the Chronicles of Ixia by Maria V. Snyder.  There is so much traveling done that it’s sometimes hard to keep track of it all.  Yelena, Valek, Leif, Janco, etc. are ALWAYS going somewhere days away.
One of them is definitely Alec from The Mortal Instruments.  His character always drew me in and he was a perfect fit for Jace.
Indie author Laura Thalassa’s The Queen of All That Dies. Oh my god! If you have not read it GET ON THAT.  I freaking love this series.

So I’m not sure if it’s the most beautiful, but I really loved Celaena and Sam’s love in the Assassin’s Blade.  It just hit home so hard and gave me all the possible feels.  I also really loved Shatter Me‘s Juliette and Aaron love story.  I think it was the poetic writing style Mafi had that really drew me in.
Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas, Shatter Me trilogy by Tahereh Mafi, and Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare.  Seriously all the feels EVER!
Tag, you’re it!
Nova @ Out of Time

Tag | Book Sacrifice Tag!

Happy Sunday!  I was tagged over at The Orang-utan Librarian to do this beautiful tag and now I am WELL ON MY WAY.  Why? Because controversy makes me smile.. a lot. Muahahaha.


  1. An Over-Hyped Book:

Situation: You’re in a store when the zombie apocalypse hits. The military informs everyone that over-hyped books are the zombies only weakness. What book that everyone else says is amazing but you disliked do you start chucking at the zombies?



I gave this book a solid 1/5 stars. I don’t even think I finished it.

  1. A Sequel:

Situation: torrential downpour. What sequel are you willing to use as an umbrella to protect yourself?




I won’t spoil this book if you have yet to read it or if you somehow have managed to not hear the ending of this book.


  1. A Classic:

Situation: You’re in English class and your professor raves about a Classic that “transcends time”. If given the opportunity to travel back in time, which Classic would you try to stop from ever publishing?


If I could go back in time I would take the manuscript of this book and turn into the Hulk. I would use it to pummel the heads of my enemies and stoke the fires. I would never ever let this become a mandatory school read. I would throw it at my enemies and laugh because I hate it so much. *hissssssssss*

  1. A Least Favorite Book:

Situation: apparently global warming = suddenly frozen wasteland. Your only hope of survival for warmth is to burn a book. Which book will you not regret lighting?


Those of you who have been with me and my blog for awhile now, know.  You must know. I deplore this “series”, but I love the chronicle that it belongs to.  Does that even make sense? It’s the worst. ANGRY SIGH FOREVER. I think this is my top disliked series in a REALLY long time. #moreangrysigh


That tag was so short! Only 4 situations.  This is a total haterade tag though, so I’m sorry if you love any of these books.


Tag | Totally Should’ve Book Tag

Another day, another tag!  I saw this floating around this past week and finally decided to swipe it!

Let’s get starteddddd!


1) Totally should’ve gotten a sequel


Oh my god guys, have you read this?  The Scorpio Races is a book I read years ago, but it was so damn good.  I really enjoyed it and was so sad when I realized it was a standalone.

2) Totally should’ve had a spin off series


Totally. Totally. By now, my early subscribers know I am obsessed with SJM’s works.  But I would preen and frolic and jump with excitement if I saw a spin off of this series.  The world is so well developed and intriguing it would have been awesome to have another spin off.

No, the witches don’t count. *hiss*

3) Totally should’ve ended differently


Okay I said it. I said it. I can’t take it back.  I LOVED (caps necessary) this book, okay? Loved it.  But I think it could’ve had a different ending.  Why you gotta play on my emotions John Green? Ugh.

4) Totally should’ve had a film franchise



There is no explanation necessary.  But honestly guys, WTF is Hollywood doing?  This would be AMAZING.

5) Totally should’ve had a TV show


This would be a totally amazing series and I don’t know anyone who would disagree.  There’s so much content and awesomeness going on I really think it would be a sick tv show.

6) Totally should’ve had only one point of view



I really, honestly, think that there were way too many POV’s in The 5th Wave.  When I first read this question I automatically thought of this book.  Why?  Because the POV’s were just over done, confusing, and really obscure until you read several pages into the chapter.

Let me revise, not one POV, but maybe 2.  I think 2 would have been solid.

7) Totally should have a cover change


Look, JLA is the shit when it comes to writing easy and intriguing reads.  But some of her covers honestly make me question everything.  I think these covers (especially for the Lux series) make the books look kind of cheap.

8) I totally should’ve stopped reading


The regret is so incredibly real.

9) Totally should’ve kept the original covers


So I realize this is a US cover (released first) versus UK cover but honestly they should have attempted something similar (or perhaps the same…).  I think the UK cover is kind of tacky…

10) Totally should have not pre-judged


Guys I seriously wish I smacked past me.  These books are one of my top reads.  I seriously loved them.  So easy to read, beautiful writing and covers, so detailed.  I loved it!!

Whew, okay, done!  I hope you guys enjoyed my version of “Totally Should’ve”.  I’m tagging a few people below but if you want to do it I TAG YOU NOW. :]

I Tag…

Beth @ Betwixt these Pages

Shannon @ The Little Wise Owl

Chloe @ Paint and Butterflies

Joey @ Thoughts and Afterthoughts

Betty @ What’s on my Bookshelf?


Tag | This or That

I thought I’d get back into some tags!  They’re always so fun to do and I love reading other peoples responses.  I saw the one floating around and thought it would be really fun to do :]


Would you rather only read trilogies or only read standalones?


I would highly prefer reading trilogies to standalone.  Honestly, I usually only read high fantasy / paranormal books so I think it’s way too much to put in just one book.

Would you rather only read male or female authors?

I have a weird preference for female authors.  I’ve never been too impressed with books written by men *cringe*.

Would you rather shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?

For new releases, I typically only buy at B&N because I want them the day they come out.  However, if it’s been out for awhile I’ll go to Amazon.

Would you rather books were made into TV shows or movies?

Oooooh good question.  I love both equally.

Would you rather read only 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

5 books per week, obvsssss.

Would you rather be a professional author or reviewer?

I think being an author would have some really awesome perks, but being a professional reviewer would open up so many doors!  So I’d choose the latter.

Would you rather be a librarian or a bookseller?

Bookseller, hands down.

Would you rather read only your favorite genre, or every other genre but your favorite?

My favorite genre.  I don’t think I could ever part from SJM.

Would you rather only read eBooks or physical books?

I’ve had the best of both worlds.  I think eBooks have their perks but I like physical books when I really love them.

I tag…

CW @ Read, Think, Ponder

Jess @ The Mud and Stars

Beth @ Reading Every Night aka nicest person evs.

Angelica @ Life is Reading

Joan @ Fiddler Blue



Tag: Three Days, Three Quotes #2 & #3

DERRRRP.  Guys I totally forgot to do Day 2 of this tag yesterday.  To be honest I was really anxious because I had scheduled my first aerial yoga class for this morning and I was planning out my clothes/when to get up/directions/oh my.  If you HAVEN’T heard of aerial yoga – check it out.  It was selectively challenging (?), meaning some things were really intense and some were pretty easy.

I’ve been tagged by a couple people, but the latest to do so was the lovely Beth.  thank you everyone!  I’m sorry I didn’t write down who tagged me / when I was tagged 😥.

PS. Still give this lady some credit for the beautiful image she made for the tag.  #yougogirl #myphotoshopexploded



  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for three consecutive days.
  • Nominate three new bloggers each day.


Day #2: From the Shiver series by Maggie Stiefvater

Day #3: From The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh





Angela @ Pooled Ink

Jenna @ Reading With Jenna

Nikki AND Amy (or one of you, maybe both because yolo) @ Every Book You Need To Read And More

This is Another Story – guys READ HER FREAKING ABOUT ME.  It is honestly moving.

Meg @ Magic of Books


Tag: Three Days, Three Quotes #1

I’ve been tagged by a couple people, but the latest to do so was the lovely Beth.  thank you everyone!  I’m sorry I didn’t write down who tagged me / when I was tagged :'(.

PS. Give this lady some credit for the beautiful image she made for the tag.  I’m using it with FULL BOW-DOWN-WORTHY CREDIT. #yougogirl #myphotoshopexploded

The rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for three consecutive days.
  • Nominate three new bloggers each day.


From the Shatter Me series:



I tag…

Alyssa @ Alyssa Is Reading

Chloe @ Paint and Butterflies Books

Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek

The Dimsum Tag!

The Dim Sum Book Tag was made by Joey @ Thoughts and Afterthoughts & Jenna @ Reading With Jenna. Dim sum is a style of Chinese cuisine whereby food is served in small (tapas-like) portions and is common during yum cha (which literally means: drinking tea). This tag is inspired by good company and good eats.

Thank you to all the lovely people who nominated me! I’m finally doing it :3.  I can’t remember who tagged me *cries*.

The Dim Sum Book Tag

Here are some rules to devour this tag:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Devour dim sum and answer the tag questions.
  • Tag five others to join your round table for some dim sum fun.
  • Food coma.

A book that started off hot but quickly turned cold.

Atlanta by Ally Condie


God this book is the perfect one for this category.  You can read my review here.  The first chapter was so perfectly done and then it just fell flat.


Chiu Chow Dumpling:
A book that features elements of land and sea.

The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Clarke

This book is about a young girl named Ananna of the Tamarau who abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to another pirate clan. As a result, they send an assassin after her but magic plays a role and nothing ends up how it should.


Rice Noodle Roll:
A favourite multilayered character you’ve read (i.e. Traits? Skills? Morally ambiguous?).

Aaron Warner Andersen(-son?)
Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi

Aaron, oh Aaron.  #swoon.  If you guys haven’t read this series you most definitely should.  I have reviews for all three books on my blog: Shatter MeUnravel Me, and Ignite Me.  Aaron is such an interestingly diverse and multifaceted character.  Throughout each book we gain inside knowledge as to why he does what he does.  It’s a beautiful development.


Shrimp Dumpling:
A book with a transparent blurb that gives the story away.

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge.

Sigh, this book was pretty disappointing for me.  I was really hoping for something like ACOTAR by SJM but ended up really weirded out and confused.  I wrote a blog post about it here.  The synopsis is pretty much the entire book summed up.


Based on the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, Cruel Beauty is a dazzling love story about our deepest desires and their power to change our destiny.

Since birth, Nyx has been betrothed to the evil ruler of her kingdom-all because of a foolish bargain struck by her father. And since birth, she has been in training to kill him.

With no choice but to fulfill her duty, Nyx resents her family for never trying to save her and hates herself for wanting to escape her fate. Still, on her seventeenth birthday, Nyx abandons everything she’s ever known to marry the all-powerful, immortal Ignifex. Her plan? Seduce him, destroy his enchanted castle, and break the nine-hundred-year-old curse he put on her people.

But Ignifex is not at all what Nyx expected. The strangely charming lord beguiles her, and his castle—a shifting maze of magical rooms—enthralls her.

As Nyx searches for a way to free her homeland by uncovering Ignifex’s secrets, she finds herself unwillingly drawn to him. Even if she could bring herself to love her sworn enemy, how can she refuse her duty to kill him? With time running out, Nyx must decide what is more important: the future of her kingdom, or the man she was never supposed to love.


Steamed BBQ Pork Buns:
A book that is fluffy on the outside but packs a punch of flavour (e.g. Message? Depth? Controversy?).

Black City by Elizabeth Richards


What looks like another typical YA fantasy ends up having much more depth than would be expected by incorporating civil rights issues into the plot.

In a city where humans and Darklings are now separated by a high wall and tensions between the two races still simmer after a terrible war, sixteen-year-old Ash Fisher, a half-blood Darkling, and Natalie Buchanan, a human and the daughter of the Emissary, meet and do the unthinkable—they fall in love. Bonded by a mysterious connection that causes Ash’s long-dormant heart to beat, Ash and Natalie first deny and then struggle to fight their forbidden feelings for each other, knowing if they’re caught, they’ll be executed—but their feelings are too strong.

When Ash and Natalie then find themselves at the center of a deadly conspiracy that threatens to pull the humans and Darklings back into war, they must make hard choices that could result in both their deaths.

Chicken Feet:
A book with divided opinions.

Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James


Is this even a question?  I don’t even feel like I need to explain this.  There’s two sides to this book: those who think it’s rape propagation and those who don’t.  I’m on the side that says it’s not rape.  Sorry guys.  I kind of want to make a blog discussion on why I don’t think this.  Would you like to read something like that?


Lotus-Wrapped Sticky Rice:
A book you’ve received/given that was nicely packaged.

For Christmas, my good college friend/petite croissant Sofia gave me the 20th anniversary edition of The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman.  It’s beautiful.  A white hardback with gold embossing, a stunning dust jacket, and a slip case to finish it off.  So so so so pretty.



Egg Custard Tart:
A book that uses simple ingredients and clichés but executes it perfectly.

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han


This is a cute YA contemporary about first love, high school, and family.  It’s such a simple and easy book, but it’s done so well.

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister’s ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all.

Mango Pudding with Evaporated Milk:
Any book recommendation and beverage/snack that’s a winning combination.

The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel with strawberries and cream.



I think you’d have to read the book to understand.. But if Bishop could have given this as a surprise to Ivy she would have been the happiest woman on Earth.

Fried Sesame Balls:
A book cover with embossed text/design you just love to run your fingers over.

Poop guys, I really don’t have any idea for this.  I don’t usually read physical books.


Dim Sum Steam Cart:
The type of carrying bag you use to bring books around.

I only read on my iPad if I’m going somewhere!


I Tag…

Paige @ The Wild Readers

Paige @ The Paige-Turner

Kevin @ Bookevin

Trust in the Words

Nazahet @ Read Diverse Books

Valentine’s Week Day 5: Book Love Tag

book-love-tag.pngFinally a tag that I can properly use for my Valentine’s Day theme!  I am snatching this up from the lovely Kelly @ Stellar Scrutiny.  

After my Valentine’s plans fell through – thank you, weather – I suddenly have a completely open schedule.  How am I going to fill my time? Reading, blogging, snacking, and trying to maintain my diet/workout plan. I also started to watch Outlander on my Mac and I have almost completely marathoned the first season in less than 24 hours.  Anyways, here’s the tag! :]

1. Your favorite book couple.

This isn’t fair.  There is way too many! Ugh.  I’ll go with Aelin + Rowan.


But if Sam was still alive I would have chosen them.



2. Your Top 3 Book Boyfriends or Girlfriends.


Rowan (Throne of Glass), Jesse (Near & Far), and Will (The Infernal Devices)

3. Imagine your favorite book couple. Who would propose, and how? (If there’s already been a proposal: who would be more into organizing the wedding?)

When I think of Aelin & Rowan, Rowan would propose but he’d probably take a million years to do it, he’d also probably pledge his existence to her (again) while doing it.  I definitely think Aelin would go all in for the planning.  She may be an assassin and a Queen, but she is really girly.  I think she’d love planning.

4. Unpopular opinions time! Name a popular pairing you can’t stand.


Just nooooooo *cringe*

5. What’s your favorite and least favorite romance trope?

really love the “enemies become lovers” trope because the females are typically always strong-willed and independent.  I hate the insta-love.

6. Do you ship non-canon couples often? Name some if you do.

For my Shatter Me friends… I kinda like Kenji and Juliette….  I know they’ll always be a platonic thing but his honesty with her makes me really happy.


7. Your opinion on love triangles. Go!


8. Favorite and least favorite love triangle?


I have to agree with Kelly, the Matched love triangle was pretty bad.

9. Sometimes romance just isn’t the way to go. Favorite friendship?  

Fellow Shatter Me readers, you know exactly who I’m thinking of.


10. What’s your favorite scene with your bookish OTP?
Well I actually did a post on my top ten favorite couples moments here!

11. Imagine your favorite book couple again. Who’s most excited about Valentine’s Day (either ironically or genuinely)?


Valentine’s Week: The Classics Book Tag!

I was tagged by Chloe to do this tag!  It was originally created by It’s a Book World.  During my freshman year of college I took a freshman seminar on children’s literature, which exposed me to a lot of classics I had never read before.  We read a lot of Grimm’s fairytales, Carroll, Plath (why Plath? I still don’t know), Twain, you name it.

Classics really aren’t my go-to, but when I hear the word “classics”, I automatically think of how much they are loved by millions of people throughout the world.

So let’s get started! 🙂

  1. An over-hyped classic you didn’t really like.
    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.  Ugh.  This book was verging on painful for me.  I hated the racism and I hated the slang.  A mandatory but really uncomfortable read.
  2. Favourite time period to read about.
    I’ve always had a fascination with Victorian-era books.  I love the feeling of it, the language, the style.  I think it’s really romantic.
  3. Favourite Fairy Tale.
    The original depiction of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen.  It’s morbid, violent, and heartbreaking.  The Disney version does it no justice, it doesn’t even come close to the original fairy tale.

“But think again,” said the witch; “for when once your shape has become like a human being, you can no more be a mermaid. You will never return through the water to your sisters, or to your father’s palace again; and if you do not win the love of the prince, so that he is willing to forget his father and mother for your sake, and to love you with his whole soul, and allow the priest to join your hands that you may be man and wife, then you will never have an immortal soul. The first morning after he marries another your heart will break, and you will become foam on the crest of the waves.”

“I will do it,” said the little mermaid, and she became pale as death.

4. What is the most embarrassing classic you haven’t read?

Pride & Prejudice.  I loved the movie adaptation, and I’m positive I’d love to read it.

5. Top 5 classics you would like to read soon.
Pride & Prejudice
– Wuthering Heights
– A Tale of Two Cities
– To Kill a Mockingbird
– The Odyssey

6. Favourite modern book/series based on a classic.
I actually didn’t know any so I Googled it, you can read more about it here

7. Favourite movie/tv show based on a classic.
Pride & Prejudice, totally.  Although I didn’t like the actor who portrayed Darcy. #sorrynotsorry

8. Worst classic adaptation.
I didn’t watch the full thing, but Anna Karenina was pretty weird.

9. Favourite edition you would like to collect (more) classics from.
I actually own some beautiful vintage editions of some classics so I’m pretty happy.  They’re leather-bound with gold gilding.

I tag:
Lu @ Making Days Better

Reg @ She Latitude

Jesse @ Books at Dawn

Alyssa @ Alyssa is Reading

Cristina @ My Tiny Obsessions