Review: Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes


Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

Pages: 401
Series: YES, book #2
Publisher: Razorbill
Published: December 3rd 2013


The road to power… is paved with blood and magic.

Cleo is now a prisoner in her own palace, forced to be an ambassador for Mytica as the evil King Gaius lies to her people.
Magnus stands to eventually inherit the new kingdom but is still obsessed with his feelings for his adopted sister, Lucia.
Lucia is haunted by the outcome of the breathtaking display of magic that allowed her father to capture the kingdoms.
Jonas watched at the palace gates a troop of rebels behind him, waiting for him to tell them how he plans to overtake King Gaius.

After a bloody siege, Auranos has been defeated, its young queen orphaned and dethroned. The three kingdoms—Auranos, Limeros, and Paelsia—are now unwillingly united as one country called Mytica. But the allure of ancient, dangerous magic beckons still, and with it the chance to rule not just Mytica, but the whole world over…

At the heart of the fray are four brave young people grappling for that magic and the power it promises. For Cleo, the magic would enable her to reclaim her royal seat. In Jonas’s hands, it frees his nation, and in Lucia’s, it fulfills the ancient prophecy of her destiny. And if the magic were Magnus’s, he would finally prove his worth in the eyes of his cruel and scheming father, King Gaius, who rules Mytica with a punishing hand.

When Gaius begins to build a road into the Forbidden Mountains to physically link all of Mytica, he sparks a long-smoking fire in the hearts of the people that will forever change the face of this land. For Gaius’s road is paved with blood, and its construction will have cosmic consequences.

Wow. Okay.  This was a really good book, but I don’t think it better than the first.  Compared to Falling Kingdoms (book 1 in the series) I thought that this book was a little slower.  In my FK review (read it here!) I actually said that it reminded me a lot of Game of Thrones because there were different kingdoms and you got to follow the lives of different characters from each kingdom.  If this had been the first book in the series, I would not say that.  Simply because this book is now focused on the rebels versus the King of Blood, as he and his family have taken over all the kingdoms.

There was little character development.  For most of the storyline, there was a lot of running around in circles with nothing coming out of it.  For Cleo, she’s trying to find out more about magic so she can defeat the King.  For Lucia, she spends 75% of this book not in the storyline (you’ll understand if you read it).  For Jonas, he keeps trying to be a leader but he’s honestly not that good at it and it becomes very evident as the story progresses.  Magnus was pretty much the same as the last book but near the end I think we see a glimpse of him finally deciding to stand up for himself.  Hopefully this means we’ll see him kicking ass in the next book!  Oh and by the way, Aron is still a piece of shit.

We see more of the Sanctuary.  This is AWESOME because in FK we really didn’t see too much of their world.  I really don’t know what to believe when it comes to the Sanctuary because I feel like there’s too many hidden agendas and ambiguity.  I don’t really know if I like their part in the story, however I hope we see more of them in the next book.

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of things happen in this book but it’s nothing that blows my mind.  There was still a lot of death, both expected and unexpected, but it doesn’t hold as much of a shock factor that it did in FK.  As a whole, nothing was really accomplished and I feel like it was a lot of fluff for a book thats 401 pages.  I’m sure that what happened in this book will play an integral part in the future but it wasn’t as exciting. So hopefully the next book is better.

My rating: 4/5

Summing up Sunday: Jan 18-24 (exciting news!!!!)

Wooooo! It’s Sunday! It’s also super cold and I really, really, don’t want to go outside.

Last week my plan was to read The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey (WHICH I DID HOLLA), and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (which I didn’t, totally forgot).

This is a complete list of what I read this week:

  1. These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner (review here!)
  2. The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen (review here!)
  3. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes (review hereeee)
  4. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey (LAST REVIEW, whew, here)
  5. The Storyspinner by Becky Wallace (I said that I finished it last week, but I didn’t.  I read the last 30 pages two nights ago n_n).

So I had a pretty busy week reading.  I’m planning on going to see the 5th wave movie with le boyfriend (he doesn’t know yet.. unless he’s reading this…).

My plan for this week is to read:

IT’S RELEASE WEEK FOR Night Study by Maria V Snyder and I am SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!! I’m literally squealing reading the synopsis.  She’s doing a book signing in Lancaster PA (5 hours away) and I SO want to go.

  1. Reread Shadow Study by Maria V Snyder tonight/tomorrow so I’m all refreshed on what happened.
  2. Buy Night Study by Maria V Snyder on release day and INHALE.
  3. Read Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes
  4. Read Illuminae by Amie Kaufman (it’s 599 pages…


Whew, that’s it guys.  I can’t even finish expressing how pumped I am for Night Study, the cliffhanger ruined me in Shadow Study.  I do have some ARC’s waiting for me on Net Galley so hopefully I can fit those in too.  Is there anything you’re planning on reading this week?

As an aside, I’ve been working from home the past few days so I don’t have to go out in the cold.. I’m trying to save up my money for braces but my stupid student loans are swallowing up everything I’m earning. Sigh. :/.

ON A POSITIVE NOTE: I bought a Happy planner and am currently designing planner stickers!  It’s so fun to do, I just need to find some sticker paper and it’s game over.

I also need to figure out how to do some things on WordPress because I (kinda) hate my layout.  I have no idea how to do certain things and it’s killing my soul piece by piece D:

Review: Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes


Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Pages: 412
Published: December 11th 2012
Publisher: Razorbill


“In the three kingdoms of Mytica, magic has long been forgotten. And while hard-won peace has reigned for centuries, a deadly unrest now simmers below the surface.

As the rulers of each kingdom grapple for power, the lives of their subjects are brutally transformed… and four key players, royals and rebels alike, find their fates forever intertwined. Cleo, Jonas, Lucia, and Magnus are caught in a dizzying world of treacherous betrayals, shocking murders, secret alliances, and even unforeseen love.

The only outcome that’s certain is that kingdoms will fall. Who will emerge triumphant when all they know has collapsed?

It’s the eve of war…. Choose your side.

Princess: Raised in pampered luxury, Cleo must now embark on a rough and treacherous journey into enemy territory in search of magic long thought extinct.

Rebel: Jonas, enraged at injustice, lashes out against the forces of oppression that have kept his country cruelly impoverished. To his shock, he finds himself the leader of a people’s revolution centuries in the making.

Sorceress: Lucia, adopted at birth into the royal family, discovers the truth about her past—and the supernatural legacy she is destined to wield.

Heir: Bred for aggression and trained to conquer, firstborn son Magnus begins to realize that the heart can be more lethal than the sword….”

Sooooo…. honestly?  My first impression after finishing the book was that it is VERY Game of Thrones-y.  I want to say 80% of the characters die in this book.  Is this supposed to be a Game of Thrones inspired series? *goes to look it up*

After the first death I literally said to myself, “Don’t get attached because this is G.O.T ALL. OVER. AGAIN.” 


And it was.  So if you’re okay with that mental slaughter and reading about death everywhere – you will love this book.

This book is literally so Game of Thrones and here’s a quick list why:

  1. You have kingdoms at “peace” but not really at peace.
  2. Incest (recall: first episode of GOT)
  3. Murder
  4. Murder
  5. Murder
  6. Death
  7. Murder
  8. Vengeance
  9. Murder
  10. War!
  11. Exile

Don’t get me wrong, this book was still incredibly enjoyable to read.  It was fast paced and action-filled from beginning to end.

Rhodes did an excellent job with world building.  Mytica has three kingdoms, and throughout the book there are four storylines from these different kingdoms.  The benefit of all these POV’s is that you develop solid understanding of what’s going on throughout Mytica and why certain characters act certain ways/do what they do.  I found each of the kingdoms to be fantastic, well-detailed, and truly interesting.

Auranos, the southern kingdom.


It is the most plentiful and richest. Extraordinarily beautiful, Auranos is an enormous land filled with rich soil, evergreen lands, warm natural weather, and abundant of wonderful resources.  Auranos is ruled by King Corvin Bellos, and his late wife Queen Elena Bellos.  They have two daughters: Princess Emilia Bellos, and Princess Cleiona (Cleo) Bellos.

In this luscious kingdom, we get the perspective of the youngest princess, Cleiona.  Irresponsible, slightly immature, spoiled, and essentially living the dream because she isn’t immediately in line for the throne:


Totally Princess Cleoina, underdog until the very end.


I can totally envision Emilia and Cleo’s relationship like that in Pride and Prejudice with the Bennett sisters.


Tell me this doesn’t remind you of Lord Aron

UPDATE!!! “Morgan Rhodes: Magnus, on paper, was originally supposed to be the bad guy…the son of the evil king who wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps. Kind of a cross between Joffrey from Game of Thrones and Draco Malfoy.”

Paelsia, the middle kingdom


Paelsia is the middle kingdom.  It is dry, mostly barren, and very poor.  Their only form of trade is wine, and because Limeros does not drink, they are forced to sell to Auranos to survive. Most Paelsians believe that Paelsian wine is their best hope and survival for the country, however, a few people (including Jonas Agallon) believe this an ignorance and weakness of Paelsians.

The kingdom of Paelsia is ruled by the Chieftain Hugo Basilius. He has two daughters; his eldest named Laelia Basilius. Chief Basilius contains rather a poor and selfish leadership. He claims himself a wizard gifted with incredible magic and for that, he was quickly rose as Chieftain. However, this is considered a lie but the Paelsian country people do not know. Only a very few do not trust nor believe in the Chieftain.

In this kingdom, we are placed in the perspective of a peasant named Jonas Agallon.  A tragedy near the beginning of the book places him as a forerunner in the events of the entire book.  You could understand his rage and desires, I felt for him so deeply.


Limeros, the northern kingdom


kuroe702 from DeviantArt! #talent

Limeros is the most northern kingdome in the world of Mytica.  Their primary trade is fishing and military use. Limeros is an extremely cold and barren country with abundant of snow cover. Despite the deep coldness, the kingdom of Limeros is quite beautiful.

The kingdome of Limeros is ruled by King Gaius Damora and his wife Queen Althea Damora.  They have two children, Prince Magnus Damora, and Princess Lucia Damora.  King Gauis also has a bastard son, Tobias Argynos, and a mistress; Sabina Mallius.

In this kingdom, we are plunged into the world of Prince Magnus.  Honestly, I felt for him so deeply.  You see his desire to be strong and loved, and eventually you see him turn into the true Prince of Blood.  He has the most development (I think) in the entire book.  It’s so sad.  Also, I secretly shipped him and Cleo together…

As an aside, the synopsis makes it sound like you’re getting this huge amount of Lucia perspective.. but you’re really not.  It’s more of seeing Lucia through Magnus’ eyes.  However, I do believe Lucia will play an even bigger role in the next book.


credit to for this beautiful rendition of Magnus.

The Watchers

The name is essentially true to what they do.  They seem to go from kingdom to kingdom observing and looking for magic in the form of hawks.  A few spaced out chapters were devoted to the perspective of a young watcher.


You are so immersed into the world that you eventually find yourself rooting for a certain character more than others.  And even when you choose a kingdom/character to root for, you still get the full experiences of the other ones.  Which becomes a really intense and awesome experience by the end of the book because all of the kingdoms collide and it’s crazy.

I think overall, the writing is on point and I do believe that Rhodes did an outstanding job making the characters so diverse and the world so rich.

In terms of magic.. I don’t really think magic was as necessary as it was made out to be.  Like near the end of the book it became way more about magic than it was in the beginning and I don’t really know if I liked that.  I think the storyline could have survived without that development.  However, it’ll be interesting to see what happens in the second book.

My overall rating: 4/5

PS: My photos are all from Googles.. There’s a mix of fan art, gifs from movies, etc.  I tried to give credit where I could find it.  If you want credit added just message me! 🙂